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Starry Sky


A gradual climb through depression, anxiety, support, and redemption.

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What's Past, Has Passed.

When visiting your past, treat the experience like you would treat a night at a strip club. Enjoy it, don’t get attached, fight the urge...

Depression in a Bottle

Depression has many potential causes including, loss, trauma, major stress, lack of social connection and substance abuse. It’s usually...

The Dubiety of Anxiety

There are numerous causes of anxiety and depression, including past trauma, chemical imbalances, substance abuse and genetics. These...

Grief Relief

The etymology of the word “grief” roots itself in Latin language. “Gravare” means “to burden, load, or oppress.” Grief is the product of...

Everlasting Winter (Part 2)

When suicidal thoughts scraped through my brain like an ax-dragging maniac, I felt complete disappointment and shame. I foolishly...

Identity and Perception

How much time will you spend living someone else's version of you? Who you think "you" are is different from what others perceive you to...

5 Years in Purgatory

Anxious, apathetic, ashamed, sad, scared, suffering, stupid, helpless, hopeless, useless, exhausted, hateful, hurt, indifferent,...

Struggle Breeds Strength

Struggle breeds strength. These three words have been tattooed to my brain for a couple of years now. I've been writing it down,...

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